Click command line interface for Soprano. |
A collection of functions and options for the command line interface for soprano. |
CLI to plot the extract and summarise dipolar couplings. |
A script to extract NMR properties from a (list of) .magres files |
CLI to extract all molecules in a molecular crystal (in any ASE-readable format) and output the in individual structure files. |
A script to compute averages of NMR tensors over CH3 and NH3 groups |
CLI to extract and process NMR-related properties from .magres files. |
CLI to plot NMR results from .magres file(s). TODOs: - [ ] add stylesheets - [ ] add dipolar/j-coupling scaling of markers - [ ] Basic version done, but maybe check the assumptions made when running with the reduce or average groups options... - [ ] 1D plots -- basic simulation of 1D NMR?. |
A script that allows to run a phylogenetic analysis as a command-line tool |
A very simple script to convert from all ASE-accepted formats to CASTEP's .cell format |
CLI wrapper around the ASE GUI to view structures. |