CLI Cookbook#
NMR data extraction#
The nmr
subcommand has a number of options to extract NMR data from a Magres file. You can see the full help by running soprano nmr -h
. Here are some common examples:
Extract a full summary (will look for both EFG and MS data):
soprano nmr seedname.magres
Output summary to a CSV file:
soprano nmr seedname.magres -o summary.csv
Output summary to a JSON file:
soprano nmr seedname.magres -o summary.json
Extract a full summary for multiple files:
soprano nmr *.magres
Extract a full summary for multiple files, merging into one table:
soprano nmr --merge *.magres
Extract just the MS data:
soprano nmr -p ms seedname.magres
Extract just the MS data for Carbon:
soprano nmr -p ms -s C seedname.magres
Or just the first 4 Carbon atoms:
soprano nmr -p ms -s C.1-4 seedname.magres
Extract just the MS data for Carbon and Nitrogen:
soprano nmr -p ms -s C,N seedname.magres
Extract just MS data for the sites with label H1a:
soprano nmr -p ms -s H1a seedname.magres
Set chemical shift references and gradients (non-specified references are set to zero and non-specified gradients are set to -1):
soprano nmr -p ms --references C:170,H:100 --gradients C:-1,H:-0.95 seedname.magres
Set custom isotope
soprano nmr -p efg --isotopes 13C,2H seedname.magres
By default, Soprano will reduce the structure to the uniques sites (based either on CIF labels or symmetry operations. If you want to disable this, you can use the
option:soprano nmr --no-reduce seedname.magres
You can construct queries that are applied to all loaded magres files using the pandas dataframe query syntax. For example, to extract the MS data for all H sites with a chemical shielding between 100 and 200 ppm and an asymmetry parameter greater than 0.5:
soprano nmr -s H --query "10 < MS_shielding < 30 and MS_asymmetry > 0.5" *.magres
2D NMR plots#
The plotnmr
subcommand can be used to generate 2D NMR plots from a magres file. Most of the options are the same as for the nmr
subcommand in terms of filtering sites, setting references, isotopes etc. You can see the full help by running soprano plotnmr --help
Here are some common examples:
Plot proton-proton correlation spectrum:
soprano plotnmr -p 2D -x H -y H seedname.magres
Plot C-H correlation spectrum with marker sizes proportional to the dipolar coupling strength. Plot the chemical shift rather than shielding by supplying reference values:
soprano plotnmr -x C -y H --scale-marker-by dipolar --references C:180,H:30 seedname.magres
As previous, but plot a heatmap and contour lines in addition to the markers:
soprano plotnmr -x C -y H --scale-marker-by dipolar --references C:180,H:30 --heatmap --contour seedname.magres
Plot the H-H double quantum correlation spectrum:
soprano plotnmr -p 2D -x H -y H --yaxis-order 2Q seedname.magres
As previous, but averaging over dynamic CH3 and NH3 sites:
soprano plotnmr -p 2D -x H -y H --yaxis-order 2Q -g CH3,NH3 seedname.magres
By default, Soprano will reduce the system to the inequivalent sites first (e.g. those with the same CIF label or a symmetrically equivalent position). To prevent this, use the
option:soprano plotnmr -p 2D -x H -y H --yaxis-order 2Q -g CH3,NH3 --no-reduce seedname.magres
Impose a distance cut-off (in Å) between pairs of sites:
soprano plotnmr -p 2D -x C -y H --rcut 1.5 seedname.magres
Combining several of these options:
soprano plotnmr -p 2D -x C -y H \ -g CH3 \ --rcut 1.5 \ --scale-marker-by dipolar \ --no-markers \ --references C:180,H:30 \ --heatmap \ --colormap "viridis" \ --contour \ --contour-levels 15 \ --contour-color "black" \ --contour-linewidth 0.5 \ seedname.magres
Dipolar Couplings#
Extract dipolar couplings between all pairs of sites:
soprano dipolar seedname.magres
Extract dipolar couplings between all pairs of sites, outputting to a CSV file:
soprano dipolar seedname.magres -o dipolar.csv
Extract dipolar couplings between all pairs of sites, and print out those whose absolute value is greater than 10 kHz:
soprano dipolar --query "abs(D) > 10.0" seedname.magres
Split up molecules#
The splitmols
command can be used to split up a structure into its components (e.g. molecules, framework) based on a connectivity matrix. You can see the full help by running soprano splitmols --help
. This should work with structure files in any format that ASE can read (= almost all structure formats).
By default the command will output the components to separate extended xyz files. For example
Split up a structure into molecules within the same unit cell etc. and output to separate .xyz files:
soprano splitmols seedname.cif
Split up a structure into molecules use the ASE GUI to view the structures (no files are written):
soprano splitmols seedname.cif --view --no-write
Split up a structure into molecules and output to a directory in the CASTEP .cell format:
soprano splitmols seedname.cif -o output_directory -f cell
Center the molecules in a new cell with a 10 Å vacuum spacing:
soprano splitmols seedname.cif -c --vacuum 10.0
Split a zeolite framework with a molecule in a pore into separate files. Here the
option is used to increase the van der Waals radii of the atoms by 30% to ensure that the framework is intact and the molecule is separate. The--no-cell-indices
option is used to prevent the framework atoms from crossing the cell boundaries. These settings work for the tests/test_data/ZSM-5_withH2O.cif example. In other cases you might need to tweak the vdW values manually using the--vdw-custom
flag. Use the-vvv
verbosity flag to see the vdW radii used.soprano splitmols seedname.cif --vdw-scale 1.3 --no-cell-indices
Split the molecules into a new cell defined manually. We can provide the cell as a single float (= cubic cell with that lattice parameter) or as a string with three floats separated by spaces (e.g.
"10 10 20"
for a 10x10x20 Å cell or"10 10 10 90 90 90"
for a 10x10x10 Å cell with 90° angles) or as a list of 9 floats (e.g."10 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10"
) for a general cell.soprano splitmols seedname.cif --cell "10 10 20"