Bindings for AIRSS Buildcell program for random structure generation
Generator function binding to AIRSS' Buildcell. |
- soprano.collection.generate.airss.airssGen(input_file, n=100, buildcell_command='buildcell', buildcell_path=None, clone_calc=True)[source]#
Generator function binding to AIRSS’ Buildcell.
This function searches for a buildcell executable and uses it to generate multiple new Atoms structures for a collection.
Args:input_file (str or file): the .cell file with appropriate commentsspecifying the details of buildcell’sconstruction work.n (int): number of structures to generate. If set to None thegenerator goes on indefinitely.buildcell_command (str): command required to call the buildcellexecutable.buildcell_path (str): path where the buildcell executable can befound. If not present, the buildcell commandwill be invoked directly (assuming theexecutable is in the system PATH).clone_calc (bool): if True, the CASTEP calculator in the input filewill be copied and attached to the new structures.This means that for example any additional CASTEPkeywords/blocks in the input file will be carriedon to the new structures. Default is True.Returns:airssGenerator (generator): an iterable object that yields structurescreated by buildcell.