Implementation of AtomsProperties that relate to bond order parameters
Computes the order parameters defined by Steinhardt et al. [PRB 28, 784 (1983)] for an atom or group of atoms in the system. |
- class, **params)[source]#
Computes the order parameters defined by Steinhardt et al. [PRB 28, 784 (1983)] for an atom or group of atoms in the system. Here for each atom all closest periodic copies of the others are used; a sigmoidal cutoff is used to reduce the impact of those beyond a certain distance while keeping the behaviour smooth upon small fluctuations.
Parameters:l_channels (list[int]): list of angular momentum channels to be usedfor the calculation. Must be integers >= 1.Default is all channels 1 to 10.center_atoms (AtomSelection): AtomSelection, integer index or list ofindices of all atoms around which thebond order parameters are to be computedand summed over. Default is None, whichmeans all atoms of the system.environment_atoms (AtomSelection): AtomSelection, integer index orlist of indices of all atoms thatused as environment to compute thebond order parameters. For each‘center’ atom, all its links to‘environment’ atoms other thanitself will be considered. Defaultis None, which means all atoms ofthe system.cutoff_radius (float): radius at which to cut the smoothing sigmoidfunction, in Angstroms. Default is 2.0.cutoff_width (float): width parameter of the sigmoid, controlling thesteepness with which it falls to zero, inAngstroms. Default is 0.05.compute_W (bool): whether to also compute the W parameter (thirdorder) besides the Q (second order).Returns:bond_order_pars (dict): dictionary containing arrays with Q and, ifrequired, W for each l in l_channels.Initialize an AtomsProperty and set its parameters. The AtomsProperty instance can then be called with a structure as its only argument to get the property with the given parameters.
Args:name (str): a name to give to this specific instance of theproperty (will be used to store it as array ifrequested)params: named arguments specific to this type of property- __call__(s, store_array=False)#
Calling the AtomsProperty returns the value of the property as extracted with the parameters of this specific instance.
Args:s (ase.Atoms or AtomsCollection): the structure or collectionfrom which to extract thepropertystore_array (bool): if s is a collection, whether to store theresulting data as an array in the collectionusing the given name for this instanceReturns:property: the value of the property for the given structure ora list of values if a collection has been passed
- static extract(s, l_channels, center_atoms, environment_atoms, cutoff_radius, cutoff_width, compute_W)[source]#
Extract the given property with given parameters from an Atoms object.
Args:s (ase.Atoms): the structure from which to extract the propertyparams: named arguments specific to this type of propertyReturns:property: the value of the property for the given structure andparameters
- classmethod get(s, store_array=False, **kwargs)#
Extract the given property using the default parameters on an Atoms object s
Args:s (ase.Atoms or AtomsCollection): the structure or collectionfrom which to extract thepropertystore_array (bool): if s is a collection, whether to store theresulting data as an array in the collectionusing the default name for this propertyReturns:property: the value of the property for the given structure ora list of values if a collection has been passed