Classes and functions for simulating approximated NMR spectroscopic results from structures.
An object providing an interface to produce basic simulated NMR spectra from .magres files. |
Class to hold and extract 2D NMR data. |
Class to plot 2D NMR data. |
- class soprano.calculate.nmr.nmr.NMRCalculator(sample, larmor_frequency=400, larmor_units='MHz')[source]#
An object providing an interface to produce basic simulated NMR spectra from .magres files. It should be kept in mind that this is not a proper spin simulation tool, but merely provides a ‘guide for the eye’ kind of spectrum to compare to experimental results. What it can simulate:
chemical shift of NMR peaks
quadrupolar shifts of NMR peaks up to second order corrections
effects of crystal orientation (single crystal)
powder average (policrystalline/powder)
ultrafast MAS limit spectra
What it can NOT simulate:
finite speed MAS spectra
J couplings
dipolar interactions
complex NMR experiments
A list of the currently available NMRFlags to be used in conjunction with methods that require a list of effects of interest:
NMRFlags.CS_ISO => chemical shielding, isotropic effect .CS_ORIENT => chemical shielding, orientation dependent effects .CS => chemical shielding, everything .Q_1_ORIENT => quadrupolar, 1st order, orientation dependent effects .Q_2_SHIFT => quadrupolar, 2nd order, isotropic shift .Q_2_ORIENT_STATIC => quadrupolar, 2nd order, orientation dependent effects; static limit .Q_2_ORIENT_MAS => quadrupolar, 2nd order, orientation dependent effects; ultrafast MAS limit .Q_2_STATIC => quadrupolar, 2nd order, all static effects .Q_2_MAS => quadrupolar, 2nd order, all ultrafast MAS effects .Q_STATIC => quadrupolar, all static effects .Q_MAS => quadrupolar, all ultrafast MAS effects .STATIC => all static effects .MAS => all ultrafast MAS effects
Args:sample (ase.Atoms): an Atoms object describing the system to simulateon. Should be loaded with ASE from a .magres fileif data on shieldings and EFGs is necessary. Itcan also have an optional ‘isotopes’ array. If itdoes, it will be used in the set_isotopes methodand interpreted as described in its documentation.larmor_frequency (float): larmor frequency of the virtual spectrometer(referenced to Hydrogen). Default is 400.larmor_units (str): units in which the larmor frequency is expressed.Default are MHz.- property B#
Static magnetic field, in Tesla
- dq_buildup(sel_i, sel_j=None, t_max=0.001, t_steps=1000, R_cut=3, kdq=0.155, A=1, tau=inf)[source]#
Return a dictionary of double quantum buildup curves for given pairs of atoms, built according to the theory given in:
G. Pileio et al., “Analytical theory of gamma-encoded double-quantum recoupling sequences in solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance” Journal of Magnetic Resonance 186 (2007) 65-74
Args:sel_i (AtomSelection or [int]): Selection or list of indices ofatoms for which to compute thecurves. By default is None(= all of them).sel_i (AtomSelection or [int]): Selection or list of indices ofatoms for which to compute thecurves with sel_i. By default isNone (= same as sel_i).t_max (float): maximum DQ buildup time, in seconds. Defaultis 1e-3.t_steps (int): number of DQ buildup time steps. Default is 1000.R_cut (float): cutoff radius for which periodic copies to considerin each pair, in Angstrom. Default is 3.kdq (float): same as the k constant in eq. 35 of the reference. Aparameter depending on the specific sequence used.Default is 0.155.A (float): overall scaling factor for the curve. Default is 1.tau (float): exponential decay factor for the curve. Defaultis np.inf.Returns:curves (dict): a dictionary of all buildup curves indexed by pair,plus the time axis in seconds as member ‘t’.
- get_larmor_frequency(element)[source]#
Get the Larmor frequency of the virtual spectrometer for the desired element in MHz.
Args:element (str): element and isotope whose frequency we require.Should be in the form <isotope><element>. Isotopeis optional, if absent the most abundant NMR activeone will be used. Default is 1H.Returns:larmor (float): Larmor frequency in MHz
- set_element_isotope(element, isotope)[source]#
Set the isotope for all occurrences of a given element.
Args:element (str): chemical symbol of the element for which to set theisotope.isotope (int or str): isotope to set for the given element. Thesame conventions as described for the arraypassed to set_isotopes apply.
- set_isotopes(isotopes)[source]#
Set the isotopes for each atom in sample.
Args:isotopes (list): list of isotopes for each atom in sample.Isotopes can be given as an array of integers orof symbols in the form <isotope><element>.Their order must match the one of the atoms inthe original sample ase.Atoms object.If an element of the list is None, the mostcommon NMR-active isotope is used. If an elementis the string ‘Q’, the most common quadrupolaractive isotope for that nucleus (if known) willbe used.
- set_larmor_frequency(larmor_frequency=400, larmor_units='MHz', element='1H')[source]#
Set the Larmor frequency of the virtual spectrometer with the desired units and reference element.
Args:larmor_frequency (float): larmor frequency of the virtualspectrometer. Default is 400.larmor_units (str): units in which the larmor frequency isexpressed. Can be MHz or T. Default are MHz.element (str): element and isotope to reference the frequency to.Should be in the form <isotope><element>. Isotopeis optional, if absent the most abundant NMR activeone will be used. Default is 1H.
- set_powder(N=8, mode='hemisphere')[source]#
Set the orientation of the sample as a powder average.
Args:N (int): the number of subdivisions used to generate orientationswithin the POWDER algorithm. Higher values make forbetter but more expensive averages.mode (str): which part of the solid angle to cover with theorientations. Can be ‘octant’, ‘hemisphere’ or‘sphere’. The latter should not be necessary for anyNMR interaction. Default is ‘hemisphere’.
- set_reference(ref, element)[source]#
Set the chemical shift reference (in ppm) for a given element. If not provided it will be assumed to be zero.
Args:ref (float): reference shielding value in ppm. Chemical shift willbe calculated as this minus the atom’s ms.element (str): element and isotope whose reference is set.Should be in the form <isotope><element>. Isotopeis optional, if absent the most abundant NMR activeone will be used.
- set_single_crystal(theta, phi)[source]#
Set the orientation of the sample as a single crystallite.
Args:theta (float): zenithal angle for the crystallitephi (float): azimuthal angle for the crystallite
- spectrum_1d(element, min_freq=-50, max_freq=50, bins=100, freq_broad=None, freq_units='ppm', effects=1, use_central=False, use_reference=None)[source]#
Return a simulated spectrum for the given sample and element.
Args:element (str): element and isotope to get the spectrum of.Should be in the form <isotope><element>. Isotopeis optional, if absent the most abundant NMR activeone will be used.min_freq (float): lower bound of the frequency range(default is -50)min_freq (float): upper bound of the frequency range(default is 50)bins (int): number of bins in which to separate the frequency range(default is 500)freq_broad (float): Gaussian broadening width to apply to thefinal spectrum (default is None)freq_units (str): units used for frequency, can be ppm or MHz(default is ppm).effects (NMRFlags): a flag, or bitwise-joined set of flags, fromthis module’s NMRFlags tuple, describing whicheffects should be included and accounted forin the calculation. For a list of availableflags check the docstring for NMRCalculator(default is NMRFlags.CS_ISO).use_central (bool): if True, for half-integer spin nuclei, onlyshow the central transition. Ignored forinteger spin nuclei (default is False).use_reference (bool): if True, return frequencies as referenced tothe appropriate nucleus, in chemical shiftform. If no reference has been provided forthis nucleus, a value of 0 ppm is used andthe frequencies are simply flipped in sign(default is None, in which case use_reference is True ifreferences have been set).Returns:spec (np.ndarray): array of length ‘bins’ containing the spectralintensitiesfreq (np.ndarray): array of length ‘bins’ containing the frequencyaxis- Parameters:
use_reference (bool | None)
- class soprano.calculate.nmr.nmr.NMRData2D(atoms=None, xelement=None, yelement=None, references=None, gradients=None, peaks=None, pairs=None, correlation_strengths=None, correlation_strength_metric=None, rcut=None, isotopes=None, is_shift=None, include_quadrupolar=False, yaxis_order='1Q', x_axis_label=None, y_axis_label=None)[source]#
Class to hold and extract 2D NMR data.
- Parameters:
atoms (Atoms | None)
xelement (str | None)
yelement (str | None)
references (dict[str, float] | None)
gradients (dict[str, float] | None)
peaks (List[Peak2D] | None)
pairs (List[Tuple[int, int]] | None)
correlation_strengths (List[float] | None)
correlation_strength_metric (str | None)
rcut (float | None)
isotopes (dict[str, int] | None)
is_shift (bool | None)
include_quadrupolar (bool)
yaxis_order (str)
x_axis_label (str | None)
y_axis_label (str | None)
- get_pairs()[source]#
Get the pairs of x and y indices to plot
self.idx_x and self.idx_y are the indices of the x and y elements in the atoms object
This method will set the following attributes: self.pairs_el_idx: a list of tuples of the form (xindex, yindex) self.pairs: a list of tuples of the form (xindex, yindex)
- class soprano.calculate.nmr.nmr.NMRPlot2D(nmr_data, plot_settings=None)[source]#
Class to plot 2D NMR data.
- Parameters:
nmr_data (NMRData2D)
plot_settings (PlotSettings | None)
- class soprano.calculate.nmr.nmr.PlotSettings(xlim: Tuple[float, float] | None = None, ylim: Tuple[float, float] | None = None, x_axis_label: str | None = None, y_axis_label: str | None = None, plot_filename: str | None = None, show_markers: bool = True, marker: str = '+', marker_linewidth: float = 0.5, max_marker_size: int = 10, show_labels: bool = True, auto_adjust_labels: bool = True, label_fontsize: int | None = None, show_lines: bool = True, show_diagonal: bool = True, show_connectors: bool = True, marker_color: str | None = None, show_legend: bool = False, num_legend_elements: int | None = None, show_heatmap: bool = False, heatmap_levels: int |[float] = 20, show_contour: bool = False, x_broadening: float | None = None, y_broadening: float | None = None, broadening_type: str = 'gaussian', heatmap_grid_size: int = 150, colormap: str = 'bone_r', contour_color: str = 'C1', contour_linewidth: float = 0.2, contour_levels:[float] | int = 10)[source]#
- Parameters:
xlim (Tuple[float, float] | None)
ylim (Tuple[float, float] | None)
x_axis_label (str | None)
y_axis_label (str | None)
plot_filename (str | None)
show_markers (bool)
marker (str)
marker_linewidth (float)
max_marker_size (int)
show_labels (bool)
auto_adjust_labels (bool)
label_fontsize (int | None)
show_lines (bool)
show_diagonal (bool)
show_connectors (bool)
marker_color (str | None)
show_legend (bool)
num_legend_elements (int | None)
show_heatmap (bool)
heatmap_levels (int | Iterable[float])
show_contour (bool)
x_broadening (float | None)
y_broadening (float | None)
broadening_type (str)
heatmap_grid_size (int)
colormap (str)
contour_color (str)
contour_linewidth (float)
contour_levels (Iterable[float] | int)